Sore or Soar?
Posted by Selma
“But those who wait on the Lord, shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, and they shall walk and not faint”- Isaiah 40:31 (NKJV)
I love to go on the simulator ride in California Adventure amusement park called “Soaring over California.” It makes people feel the sensation of actually flying over the ocean, mountains, and Disneyland (my personal fav). At one point in the ride, you’re flying in the midst of the clouds and the feeling is exhilarating! This is the same feeling I have when I soar with God.
The ability to rise above our difficulties reminds me of the imagery of soaring above the clouds. In the Bible, Isaiah paints this picture as a beautiful eagle gliding. But what does it mean to soar with God?
To soar means to fly upward, glide in the air, and rise higher to a great height.
In terms of our relationship with Jesus, to soar means to trust Him.
To wait on the Lord means to trust Him. It’s actually putting faith into action and trusting and waiting for God to work by expecting an answer.
Today, we live in a high tech world of ipads, iphones ,microwaves, blue rays, fast food, drive thru Starbucks and nobody wants to wait. People complain if their computer is not working fast enough. They demand something newer and faster and the new quickly becomes obsolete because people are always looking for the quick fix or answer.
Although in reality, we have to still wait – doctor appointments, DMV, mail, market lines, gas stations, banks, mechanics/fixing repairs on cars, airports, the ER, and of course Disneyland rides.
In turn, God also asks us to wait. Sometimes our first reaction is: “oh I can’t, it’s too hard,” “I prayed and nothing happened,” “I waited long enough and I need help now,” and “What am I waiting for? I gotta figure out what to do next?” However when Jesus calls us to wait it doesn’t mean He has forgotten or He isn’t saying I don’t care. He wants to increase our faith and is working in the situation while we trust Him for the answer.
Waiting on the lord is not an easy thing to do but the result of waiting produces fruits of patience and wisdom. Waiting on the Lord gives us the ability to run spiritually (persevere/endure) without tiring and to steadfastly move forward without fainting at Gods delays.
So what are you waiting for? Whatever it is, know that Jesus will supply the needed strength to meet every test he permits us to face. When we have hope (trust) in Christ we can soar above our storms and be free just like an eagle!
Here are some practical ways you can soar over the storms:
· Not focusing on our situations, circumstance, or difficulties
· Choosing joy in the midst of testing
· Being thankful
· Being hopeful
· Choosing to have faith and trust in Jesus
· Embracing the wait
· Praising Jesus
· Prayer
It could also mean creating memorial stones and Ebenezers (i.e. reminders of Gods faithfulness) by commemorating significant events such as:
· A pic that captured the moment
· A bulletin from church that says when you were saved/baptized
· A CD with special songs of particular uplifting music
· Pressed flower/pebble
· Ticket stub, certificate, or a wrist bracelet from a hospital
· Shirt
· A piece of jewelry
Overall, we all need to make a choice! We can choose to fight against our circumstances or not. The story of the children of Israelites in the bible wandering through the wilderness comes to mind. Now this trip was to originally be a short trip but because of their disobedience they wandered for forty years! So really we are still no different today.
Opposite of “soar” is to be “sore” which means to stay sensitive, in pain, offended, and angry.
Additionally, it could mean:
· Feeling sorry for ourselves
· Blame
· Denial
· Isolation
· Stuck in your past and not wanting to move forward
· Consumed
· Unforgiving (changed from “not forgiving” to make it concise like the others)
· Anxious
· Critical
· Bitter
· Sad
· Negative
· Discouraged
So will our distress drive us to despair and discouragement or to God? Discouragement is a tool of Satan. He is a stealer of the truth who primarily works in the mind. Yet discouragement turns to encouragement when we look away from our circumstances and focus our eyes on the lord. 2 Corinthians 10:4-5 states, “Bring our thoughts into submission to Christ.” We are to control our thoughts rather than have our thoughts control us because if we let our imagination run away and steal our joy. Someone has once said to look around is to be distressed; to look within is to be depressed; to look up is to be blessed.
Mere natural and physical powers will not avail in the hour when one is called upon to face great mental and spiritual emergencies ..But they who have learned to refer everything to God and to wait quietly upon Him will be given all needed strength to rise above depressing circumstances thus enabling them to mount heavenward as eagles, facing the sun, to run their race with patience, and to walk with God with renewed confidence and courage, knowing that they are ever the objects of his love and care. It is one thing to wait on the lord. It is quite another to wait for him. As we wait on Him we are changed into his likeness. As we wait for him in patience, we are delivered from worry and fretfulness, knowing that God is never late, but that in his own time he will give the help we need – H.A. Ironside
“He giveth power to the faint…”
- Isaiah 40:29
“The Lord is good unto them that wait for him, to the soul that seeketh him.
- Lamentations 3:25 (KJV)
- Lamentations 3:25 (KJV)
“…and wait on thy God continually.”
- Hosea 12:6 (KJV)
“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”
- Philippians 4:13 (NKJV)